
Joshua was willing to take on a role that Moses could not; he would lead the people of God into the land that God had promised them. The land was known for its mighty warrior, its vast lands, its foreign Gods. Yet, God saw promise in this land of devastation and brokenness. He saw His people serving as a chosen nation, a royal priesthood, ready to claim the promises He had given them and conquer evil. He knew that they could be an avenue of grace and holiness to a people living in darkness.

In 1st Peter 2:9 we find that long after the walls of Jericho had fallen that God was still on a mission to redeem those lost back to Himself. Peter declared that we are now “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” There is a land of promise that God has for us; it is His Kingdom that is to come. How will that come about? It is when the people of God serve Him, Trust Him, and live as missioners that we begin to see glimpses of His Kingdom that is to come.

So today, as people of God, may we live as missioners for His Kingdom first. May we trust His direction in all areas of our lives. May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Categories: Mission, Missioners, Sermon Series