New Year

New years are always bombarded with new opportunities. The gym is half price. Cigerette sales are down and you can’t find your favorite brand of almond milk. Goals are set. Lifestyle changes are taking place. We are already tired and we are only finishing week one!

In Charles Spurgeon’s sermon A Palm for the New Year (#427), he hones in on one major focus for the year. He says that we must begin at the begininng; “Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18)

The simple question, as we start 2020, is whether or not all that we are doing falls within this verse. Is your focus this year to give God glory in all you do? Do you have plans to grow in grace? It is amazing how much this fits into our mission here at TCNaz, so let me ask it this way? This year, how are you Loving God (Glory), Serving Others (Grace), and Growing Together (Grow) in a way that will leave 2020 one of the best years yet?

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